The Packaging Foam Method

Polyurethane has many applications as both a packaging foam and as an insulation foam. Its combination of excellent thermal properties and shock absorption make it perfect for either task, and its ease of application allows even those with no prior training to quickly master the technique.

When polyurethane is used as a packaging foam, it can be applied by either a foam-in-place or a foam-in-bag system.

The foam-in-place method uses a sprayer to dispense a pre-formulated foam mix. The mix is sprayed directly into the package, expanding and solidifying instantly to form plastic foam and create an insulating, shock-absorbing layer.

The foam-in-bag method uses a different piece of equipment to spray foam into continuous tubes or bags. The sizes and shapes of the bags are adjustable and perforations can be placed between the bags, if needed. The bags can be used immediately or stored for future use.

When used as an insulation foam for homes, polyurethane foam mix is sprayed using a dispensing system to fill wall spaces, window borders and other areas needing insulation. One inch of foam has an R-value of about 7.0, making it an ideal choice for this application. It also prevents moisture seepage, provides a barrier to particulate matter and ads to the structural strength of the building.

In any application, polyurethane does its job using less matter than any other material. Since much of the foam is empty space, spray foam insulation goes a long way and leaves only minimal waste on disposal.

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